I vilket fall som helst så har jag användt mig av Mines Tan Natural och jag har nu haft den på mig sen i eftermiddags. Färgen var helt perfekt på mig som är hyfsat solbränd och man kan inte se att jag har något puder. Det täcker bra utan att se pudrigt ut och det är jättefin lyster i det. Dessutom så irriterade inte detta pudret min hy. Givetvis så skall jag testa de andra märkena också, men detta var verkligen riktigt bra. Jag vill prova det en gång till innan jag vågar uttrycka mig med ord som outstanding, fast det ordet skulle passa just nu.
As you already know, I am looking for a mineral powder as there is an equal outstandigt results with ID, but without vismuht. So I have ordered samples from 3 companies HH, Mine o Thikei. Now I've got all the samples but only had time to try a brand and it is Mine. I took a picture to see what color I have and what powder I have used, but unfortunately because I can not use my daylight now, so the picture was not so good.
In any case, I use my Mines Tan Natural and I have now had it on me later in the afternoon. The color was perfect for me that is pretty sunburnt and you can not see that I have no powder. It covers well, but to ensure powdered and it is great brilliance in it. Also, this powder is not irritated my skin. Of course I will try the other brands also, but this was really really good. I want to try it one more time before I dare to express myself with words like outstanding, although the word would fit right now.